#1 Cloud-based Public and Private Records Software

Law firms have been using Tracers public records and investigative data for over 23 years to find persons of interest, locate witnesses and uncover critical pieces of evidence restricted in public searches. The Clio-Tracers integration makes it possible to initiate searches quickly directly from a Clio matter file. Clio users get 10% off all Tracers search services!

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Complete Your Legal Research with Tracers

Tracers investigative and data search tools are designed to help you find key pieces of information available only in public and personal records.


Dedicated Customer Service

Ease the learning curve with one-on-one training and support you can contact if you need help with your Tracers search.


Access From Anywhere

Tracers is cloud base investigative and data search software you can access from any device, no matter where you are.


Powerful Search

Sorts through records to instantly find information about a person of interest, witness, business or related contacts.


Simple Pricing, for Any Size Firm

Tracers provides critical data and legal research for law firms of all sizes and practice areas, with affordable simple pricing.

“I have never needed to reach out to customer service because Tracers is easy to understand and I have been able to get the information I need.”

Sandra Coracero

Legal Secretary, Hutkin Law Firm


“I tried [another provider] recently, and their monthly flat fee and surcharge just did not make sense to me ... there wasn’t any value compared to Tracers.”

Trevelyan Howe

Director of Investigations, Napoli Shkolnik PLLC
